
Client: Concierge Care & Internal Medicine in Texas
Industry: Primary Health Care

This client came to Lead to Conversion™ (LTC) looking for some help to boost their local presence even more. The campaign has consisted of only local SEO for a single office location around the San Antonio area. We quickly began strategizing a local SEO plan focused on driving 5-star reviews on Google, building local business citations, and optimizing for the client’s niche target audience.


  • Boost local search visibility and map pack rankings
  • Drive qualified calls and form submissions around the San Antonio area


Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Local SEO, Link Development


Through data-driven link development and local optimization, we saw consistent positive growth:

+29% YoY Organic Search traffic
+79% YoY first-time Organic phone calls

+250% Organic Search traffic since the campaign launched
Started with 35 patients and is currently at 370



Local businesses may often grow through word-of-mouth at first, but we’ve found that has a plateau effect. Effective local business optimization, citation building, review solicitation, and strategic link development can clearly have a massive impact on attracting qualified leads and growing the business overall – no matter how competitive the market is.